Guest Speakers:
Stef Ostrander, Account Manager at Keystone Labs
Roderick Szarka, VP of Business Development and Marketing at Keystone Labs
Our guest speakers from Keystone Labs will walk you through the tools, costs, and positive
outcomes associated with an optimized environmental monitoring (EM) program for your
cannabis facility. By testing the environment where plants, oils, and products are grown
and manufactured, you can prevent and control the spread of inevitable bacteria. Fungal
and bacteria spores thrive in moist environments so identifying and eliminating source hot
spot of contamination is crucial.
outcomes associated with an optimized environmental monitoring (EM) program for your
cannabis facility. By testing the environment where plants, oils, and products are grown
and manufactured, you can prevent and control the spread of inevitable bacteria. Fungal
and bacteria spores thrive in moist environments so identifying and eliminating source hot
spot of contamination is crucial.
You will learn:
How EM can demonstrate that your sanitation program works
Why EM is the leading indicator of potential bacteria and process problems
How EM can identify shortcomings like insufficient training
To learn more, visit